How Do I Get High-Ticket Clients?

Maybe you are facing this dilemma. You know you are a great coach or consultant, and you are sure you are up there with the best in the game. You also know you can give high-ticket clients value for their money. However, you do not know where to start looking for these clients or even how to go about it. 

From face value, the task of getting high-ticket clients may seem daunting. But there are ways to go about it, which will increase your chances of catching big fish.

Read More: Why Getting A Coach Is Beneficial For Your Business

11 ways to get high-ticket clients

1. Branding

In coaching and consulting, your brand says a lot about you and what you offer. It is all about impressions, and you want your brand to create the image immediately that you cater to high-ticket clientele. As they say, first impressions matter.

If on first impression, the client you are targeting is turned off, you should return to the drawing board and do some rebranding. It would do a lot of good and save you one helluva headache to get a professional to guide you in rebranding. 

Your brand does not just include the basic business assets - for instance, your website - that your potential high-ticket client’s interface with. It also includes your physical presentation, premises, and how you carry yourself. 

2. Targeted marketing plan

If you know your target audience, then you will be in a better position to come up with a targeted marketing plan for the unique audience. Here's what I mean. The term "high-ticket clients" is broad. These clients are in different spaces and occupations.

Where do the high-ticket clients you are targeting operate? In what industries and fields are they involved? What do they do for leisure? Are they fond of specific charitable causes? These are some questions you must ask yourself when drawing up your targeted marketing plan. 

3. Referrals

Do you know someone who knows someone who knows a potential high-ticket client? Use that contact to refer you to that client.

Of course, you still have to do the hard - and, yes, brilliant - work to make the client think about signing on the dotted line. But having someone give you what is called in soccer a "through pass" will make it a lot easier to score a goal. 

Referrals do not just fall from the sky. Ask for them. Do not be afraid to ask, especially if you are delivering a great service. The worst thing a person can tell you is a no. More often than not, happy clients are even happier to give referrals. 

4. Networking

As a coach or consultant, you do not live on an island isolated from all humanity. You operate and thrive by interacting with, among others, potential clients. This is where networking comes into play. 

But you do not network just for the sake of it. Your targeted marketing plan will guide you on which events to attend, as you want to concentrate on particular clients. Many of the events that high-ticket clients frequent may cost you money. However, it would be best to count that as an investment into your business. 

The other thing is that you should make it a habit to attend networking and niche events regularly. For instance, if you know that the high-ticket clients you are targeting regularly attend a golfing/networking event, attend as regularly as you can. Once you become a familiar face, it is easy to pitch. 

5. Google and YouTube ads

Google and YouTube ads can give your search for high-ticket paying clients a boost. For Google ads, make sure the tracking on your website is correctly set up.

If you are unfamiliar with creating YouTube ads, there are online resources to help you out. Google and YouTube ads will help you reach a wider audience.

If you choose to take the route of paid ads, first do your research not to waste your valuable resources. You ought to know the platforms your potential clients frequent. Are they the business types whose heads are always buried in business journals? Are you likely to find them glued onto specific YouTube channels or podcasts? 

6. Blog posts

Facebook and Instagram posts have a shorter lifespan than blog articles. Typically, content on the two social media platforms has a shelf life of approximately one day. These two options will put you at a significant disadvantage if you depend on them to reach high-ticket paying clients. 

Though blog posts have a longer shelf life, it may be a while before you generate enough traction and traffic. To gain momentum, you should be consistent with the blog articles, putting them out at regular intervals. The good thing with blog posts is they can generate more traffic for many years. 

7. YouTube channel

A YouTube channel functions, in the same way, blog posts do. Over the past several years, YouTube's audience has been growing exponentially, with creators coming up with content for a widely diverse audience. 

If you want to stand out from the millions of content on YouTube, take time to create quality videos. Also, just as with blog articles, be consistent. Nothing kills a YouTube audience's enthusiasm more than erratic posts. 

The other advantage of YouTube videos is longevity. A good quality video will, over the years, generate more traffic. 

8. High-ticket sales funnel

A high-ticket sales funnel is a system of selling that moves potential clients through different steps of the purchasing process for your services as a coach.

To pull this off, you will need funnel-building and email marketing software. There are myriad options for funnel-building software so it is important to choose the one that works best for your business’s sales process.

Read More: 10 Strategies to Help You Get Your First Coaching Client

9. Social media influencers

The rise of social media influencers has made advertising to be more targeted and personal than ever before. Besides, you can see the number of people you are reaching, and you can, if need be, tweak your message. 

Still, if you decide to use influencers to help you get high-ticket clients, you should do thorough research before you settle on an influencer. Is the influencer the correct fit/face/voice for you? Are they credible, and are their numbers real? 

With the right influencer, you can attract a host of high-ticket clients. 

10. LinkedIn

To make the best use of LinkedIn, you first need to add connections. But these are not just any connections but niche participants who will most likely want your services. The second step is communicating with each person who has accepted your connection request. After determining if a connection is a potential client, you can take the conversation off LinkedIn to another platform. 

It may take some time and many rejections to get high-ticket paying clients on LinkedIn. If you choose to use organic methods in building connections, make sure the relationships you are building connections with match your niche. The purpose is for your posts to be viewed by as many participants as possible. 

Also, to convey that you are an authority on the subject, your LinkedIn profile should be exclusively focused on coaching or consulting. This is what you want all your connections and participants to know you for. 

11. Show your “receipts”

If you have any high-ticket clients in your portfolio, proudly share their logos on your website. 

You can also share testimonials from your high-paying clients. But do this with their permission. Generally, clients - whether they are high-ticket or not - like to hear what others are saying about the products and services you offer.

How to get in contact with a coach?

Are you currently trying to build your business off of product launches and/or 1 high-ticket products? Do you spend countless amounts of hours on social media, on discovery calls, and in people’s DMs with little to no results?

Visit our coaching page here to learn how to get started with us.